Monday, February 11, 2019

Rethinking Google Translate - Part 02

This is a co-written article. For better context, please skim through what we wrote in the first iteration.

Side projects are teachers, of sorts. After trying to redesign the Google Translate app and failing, Sahil and I tried again. Only while writing about it did we realize we weren’t failing, but making real good progress. We learned to not trust the first iterations of the designs we made and to never give up until we’ve solved what we had …

Rethinking Google Translate - Part 01

This post was co-written by Sahil Dave (and me) and was originally posted on Medium. In less than a week this post was posted on UX Collective, Sidebar, HeyDesigner and Webdesigner News. 
Here's the article we wrote -

Introduction As a designer, I believe side projects are of utmost importance. You get to experiment with various scenarios working on a new topic and it dramatically enhances your skill. On the other hand, I also believe that de…

Monday, February 4, 2019

Post 02

This was a task that got me the job.

The fundamentals of this app is simple. The users that get on it are either learners or teachers or both. They can offer to teach something or just discover something to learn; call it social learning + teaching.

Also, the card layout with swiping actions to navigate and dismiss was quite "in" and did solve the purpose of exploring the options that was based on location and/or interest.

The colors …

Post title 01

Sometime around 2017 when Fuchsia OS was being discussed in the office, I wanted to design a better OS. As silly as that sounds, I started out with a few modules of a fresh design. This one is the first: the collapsed notification bar. The idea was to merge the current notification bar and the navigation pane (which is already going away) and bringing it all closer to the thumb for quick single-hand operation.

More designs will be updated based…